I am a South African born, American raised Dutchie who is currently living in the Hague, the Netherlands. Mother of three, soulmate and most importantly, loved by God. It has taken me way to long to stop letting opinions and judgements pave my way. I am getting to know me better every day, through art, hard work, and focussing on the light. My art is a reflection on my journey. An elaborate diary of growth.
80cm x 60cm
Acrylic on canvas.
We have eyes but do not see, ears, but do not hear (Matthew 13) How often do we look without seeing, judge without understanding, and miss what's right in front of us?
80cm x 60cm
Acrylic on canvas
A play on J.R.R. Tolkiens; "all that gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost. The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost" poem.
The annointing of wisdom, like oil, dripping down the beard.
80cm x 60cm
Acrylic on canvas.
Only when the veil is taken away can we truly see.
80cm x 60cm
Acrylic on canvas
The exploration of the theme of thinking in boxes. Wether by our upbringin or our choice our stereotypes often blinds us.
80cm x 60cm
Acrylic on canvas
Face to face. Breath to breath. Heart to heart. Existing without you is no existance at all.
€1150 (Set price of 3 for €3000)
40cm x 50cm
Acrylic on canvas
Part of a three series set based on the See, Hear and Speak no evil concept this painting is a play on drug abuse. The fragility of the poppy flower paired with the potential for pain. The harsh circumstances it is often found inand the victory that comes from persevering and conquering. The painting is a beautifuL example of open to interpretaion. Is she addicted? Healed? Did she know a survivor or is she judging them? The clowns eye could be her identity or her judgement. A complex study of the definition of heroism.
€1150 (Set price of 3 for €3000)
40cm x 50cm
Acrylic on canvas
Part of a three series set based on the See, Hear and Speak no evil concept this painting is a focussed on abuse. Domestic or emotional the use of orange blossoms signafying a fresh start and remebering who you are. Not defined by abuse or other' words. Even if the scars may or may not be seen we are not defined by our past. Freedom comes in letting go and facing forward. The hard of hearing symbol also explores interpretation. Did her lack of listening cause abuse? Was not listening anymore the turning point to freedom?
€1150 (Set price of 3 for €3000)
40cm x 50cm
Acrylic on canvas
Part of a three series set based on the See, Hear and Speak no evil concept this painting is a study on toxicity. The Oleander flower being the central point as a poisonous flower. The concept of keeping your mouth shut if you can't say anything nice is reiterated by the poison symbol. Drinking poison and allowing toxicity in your life is very similar. The power of words are not to be underestimated and should be used wisely. Interpretative freedom gives the painting many diverent perspectives.
Take a look of some close ups and impressions of my artwork. I work mostly with Acrylic on canvas with gold leaf accents.
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